A Safari into a Green Roof Jungle

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Green RoofToss this under the headline of innovating and challenging. Green Roof Safaris is a fairly new European company that provides access to North Americans (and Europeans presumably) to tour state of the art green roofs in Germany and Switzerland.

The founders Christine Thüring and Jörg Breuning are green roof professionals who have collaborated in the past on green roof tours in conjunction with the World Green Roof Congress.

Green roofs are touted by proponents as having benefits for both the homeowner and the municipality. Depending on their composition, green roofs have been demonstrated to retain up to 75% of rainwater, releasing the water slowly rather than allowing heavy rainwater situations to overload municipal wastewater and sewer systems.

Among other benefits, for homeowners and landlords, is increasing the roof’s insulation value. A field experiment by Canadian researchers, found that a 6 inch extensive green roof reduced heat gains by 95% and heat losses by 26% compared to a reference roof.

For more information on Green Roof Safari, take a look at their website, or contact them at [email protected]

Photo Credit: Thingermejig via Flickr’s Media Commons

8 thoughts on “A Safari into a Green Roof Jungle”

  1. What you mean with ” a safari into a roof green jungle? If anyone can explain me better than please reply me in a comment ok? I really am interested about this matter. Many thanks!

  2. What you mean with ” a safari into a roof green jungle? If anyone can explain me better than please reply me in a comment ok? I really am interested about this matter. Many thanks!

  3. "6 inch extensive green roof reduced heat gains by 95% and heat losses by 26% compared to a reference roof"
    That's great, I have seen many people who paint a white color to their roof only for the heat reflect.
    many thanks for the post.

  4. "6 inch extensive green roof reduced heat gains by 95% and heat losses by 26% compared to a reference roof"
    That's great, I have seen many people who paint a white color to their roof only for the heat reflect.
    many thanks for the post.

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