Can Obama Live Up to His Green Promises In An Increasingly Worse Economy?

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How much will it take to get the economy back on its feet?

President-elect Obama’s team has begun working on a plan to spend up to $500 billion in new funds if the economy continues to worsen. President-elect Obama promised to create 5 million new green jobs in the alternative energy sector. However with the economic outlook worsening daily, will he be able to put his money where his mouth is?

The situation in the economy is the biggest impediment to any strategy,” said Christine Tezac, an energy and policy analyst at the Stanford Group Co. in Washington, D.C.

There is speculation that some of Obama’s ‘green plans’ might need to give way to more pressing economic issues like rescuing the housing market and creating jobs in other (not necessarily green) sectors. That could cost not just green job creation but also funding for the green economy. Obama might have a tough time passing the much-anticipated climate change bill, whose higher costs for utilities would ultimately mean heftier electricity bills for consumers. Failure to pass a bill that would create a system to sell carbon credits would also dry up one key source of funding for Obama’s $150 billion in promised alternative-energy investments.

And what about his proposed climate legislation that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% over the next four decades? Implementing a cap-and-trade program that would assign a cost to carbon dioxide emissions potentially provide funds for alternative energy initiatives.

What do you think?  Do we have a case of economy vs. green or will we see the green economy that Obama has promised?

6 thoughts on “Can Obama Live Up to His Green Promises In An Increasingly Worse Economy?”

  1. Yes he can!

    The troubles of this economy are the exact reason why Obama has to live up to his promises.

    Our economy is sputtering on the embers of our carbon economy. Sure – oil and natural gas prices have dropped – but that reflects a slowing economy and not any additional sources of these fuels. We have reached a point at which we now know that expelling carbon into our atmosphere is changing our climate; we have no proof that the changed environment will be hospitable for humans.

    We need to create a zero-carbon economy. We have needed to create one for years. In the 1990s, partnerships between government and industry moved the auto-manufacturers closer to the point of electric and gas-electric powered vehicles; the auto industry and the government walked away from billions of dollars of research under this George W. Bush administration. Now, these industries are coming to the taxpayers and seeking our assistance.

    Obama started his run for the Presidency as he could see that doing the same old things was not working. Were he to back away from his promises – like the “experts” are saying – he would be doing the same old thing.

  2. Yes he can!

    The troubles of this economy are the exact reason why Obama has to live up to his promises.

    Our economy is sputtering on the embers of our carbon economy. Sure – oil and natural gas prices have dropped – but that reflects a slowing economy and not any additional sources of these fuels. We have reached a point at which we now know that expelling carbon into our atmosphere is changing our climate; we have no proof that the changed environment will be hospitable for humans.

    We need to create a zero-carbon economy. We have needed to create one for years. In the 1990s, partnerships between government and industry moved the auto-manufacturers closer to the point of electric and gas-electric powered vehicles; the auto industry and the government walked away from billions of dollars of research under this George W. Bush administration. Now, these industries are coming to the taxpayers and seeking our assistance.

    Obama started his run for the Presidency as he could see that doing the same old things was not working. Were he to back away from his promises – like the “experts” are saying – he would be doing the same old thing.

  3. With a suitable cap and trade system – entrepreneurs like myself can get to work.

    We need the carbon leverage™ to bring large polluters to the negotiation table. When the economics don’t pencil out, why invest in alternative energy projects? We need carbon leverage™.

    We have leased 20,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space in New York State with equipment on site waiting for investment capital to launch two pilot projects to reduce carbon in coal firing operations. You’d think we have the money – nada.

    Before – we give away billion of dollars to Van Jones for training, let’s create the markets for those workers to find jobs.

    Tax the polluters – give the incentives to the Entrepreneurs, create jobs rebuild American.

    Watch these ideas at work, get organized locally –

  4. With a suitable cap and trade system – entrepreneurs like myself can get to work.

    We need the carbon leverage™ to bring large polluters to the negotiation table. When the economics don’t pencil out, why invest in alternative energy projects? We need carbon leverage™.

    We have leased 20,000 sq. ft. of manufacturing space in New York State with equipment on site waiting for investment capital to launch two pilot projects to reduce carbon in coal firing operations. You’d think we have the money – nada.

    Before – we give away billion of dollars to Van Jones for training, let’s create the markets for those workers to find jobs.

    Tax the polluters – give the incentives to the Entrepreneurs, create jobs rebuild American.

    Watch these ideas at work, get organized locally –

  5. Just spotted online that a new initiative called The Digital Energy Solutions Campaign launched today at the Smart2020 Conference. The group is made up IT firms and Environmental organizations who “will work with the incoming Obama Administration and Congressional leaders to educate and promote how ICT strategies can make our economy robust while at the same time becoming increasingly energy efficient and environmentally friendly.” Members include Dell, EMC, HP, Intel, the Technology CEO Council, Verizon, the the Alliance to Save Energy, The Climate Group, and the World Wildlife Fund. They’ve also “outlined a policy framework to make private industries and government more energy efficient, create behavior changes to make us more energy efficient and reduce ICT’s energy needs.” More info at

  6. Just spotted online that a new initiative called The Digital Energy Solutions Campaign launched today at the Smart2020 Conference. The group is made up IT firms and Environmental organizations who “will work with the incoming Obama Administration and Congressional leaders to educate and promote how ICT strategies can make our economy robust while at the same time becoming increasingly energy efficient and environmentally friendly.” Members include Dell, EMC, HP, Intel, the Technology CEO Council, Verizon, the the Alliance to Save Energy, The Climate Group, and the World Wildlife Fund. They’ve also “outlined a policy framework to make private industries and government more energy efficient, create behavior changes to make us more energy efficient and reduce ICT’s energy needs.” More info at

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