Verdigris, an environmental research initiative, is encouraging those in the printing industry who want to know more about green issues to take advantage of its library of articles, news, and reference links.
The articles are written by experts in their fields and cover a variety of topics relating to the environment, such as explaining the basics of carbon footprinting. There are also reference documents such as Heidelberg’s Environmental Directions and Sustainability Report, plus news feeds from such as the New Scientist and Environmental Protection UK. A directory of ISO 14000 certified printers is underway.
There are a few surprises in here, too. Did you know that it’s a myth that recycling saves trees? One of the Vertigris experts seems to think so.
One of the aims of Verdigris to promote the positive side of printing’s environmental initiatives and legislation. “The printing industry must get much better at presenting its green credentials,” says Laurel Brunner, managing director of Digital Dots, which is responsible for Verdigris. “Printing is not about dead trees, greasy ink, and stinking landfills. This ugly image may have once been true, but it does discredit to an industry which has changed dramatically towards a greener future.”
Verdigris is designed to share information so anyone with an interest in printing and the environment can provide material for the site. This is an educational site where reference material and links to industry associations and environmental organizations are made freely available.
Many suppliers to the printing industry are supporting the Verdigris initiative, including Agfa, Canon, Fuji, HP, Kodak, Ricoh, and Screen.