It is refreshing watching cities like San Francisco take a leadership role on issues like controlling the amount of energy that is used in the city’s commercial buildings.
Recently the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) announced it was providing detailed energy usage information for some 300 municipal buildings in the city – part of this city’s energy benchmarking ordinance. The following story, reposted from Green Building Elements, provides energy watchers with some valuable information that should be shared with others throughout the country.
San Francisco Sets Example by Publishing Energy Consumption Data for over 300 City Buildings (via Green Building Elements)
Energy Usage Down 3.8 percent; Carbon Footprint Down 5.3 percent Since 2010 The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) unveiled detailed energy usage information for more than 300 municipal buildings in a report released today to demonstrate how the city’s new building energy benchmarking…