Sustainability – At the tipping point?

In the February volume of New Bottom Line Gil Friend, founder, president & CEO of Natural Logic Inc, describes 2005 as the "tipping point for ‘sustainability,’" highlighting several examples of growing momentum in 2005 including: General Electric’s Ecomagination announcement Boeing announced that its new 787 jetliner (coming in 2008) will be 20% more efficient than […]

Sustainability – At the tipping point? Read More 👉

Greenbuild 2006 is coming to Denver

Everything About Green Building, Under One Roof. Greenbuild is the annual meeting place for the green building industry. For three days in Denver, thousands of green building industry professionals will come together to learn about the latest advancements in green building design, construction, project financing and building management. When: November 15-17, 2006 Where: The Colorado

Greenbuild 2006 is coming to Denver Read More 👉

What is Natural Capitalism?

Developed by Paul Hawken, founder of the popular gardening store Smith and Hawken, Hunter Lovins, and Rocky Mountain Institute CEO Amory B. Lovins, Natural Capitalism is our obvious inspiration and a new business model that synergizes four major elements for the new Industrial Revolution: 1.  Radically increase the productivity of resource use. Through fundamental changes

What is Natural Capitalism? Read More 👉

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