In a blunt assessment of the business operating context in 2027 – sponsored by Shell, Ford, Novo Nordisk, Vodafone, The Skoll Foundation and others – SustainAbility, Ltd., reports that not only will there be new rules for sustaining business success over the next twenty years, but that “the game itself is poised to change profoundly. There will be winners and losers; but there is no more business as usual.” More than two years in the making, Raising Our Game: Can We Sustain Globalization? will be released on May 31st in London and thereafter in Washington, D.C., Berlin, Sao Paulo, and New York. The authors are from SustainAbility, widely known as the leading consultancy to the world’s major multinationals on corporate responsibility and sustainability. It exposes the interplay of sustainable development and globalization that will define the future. “Navigating this terrain will challenge the global business community like nothing previously experienced,” said co-author John Elkington.
The study depicts four alternate scenarios for the year 2027 in a card game format, where clubs, hearts, diamonds, and spades represent various combinations of environmental and societal wins and losses.
“Grounded in the hard realities that business and policy leaders face now and through 2027, Raising Our Game is neither a starry-eyed look at a rosy future, nor a “chicken little” prediction of inevitable calamity,” said Jonathan Halperin, SustainAbility’s Director of Research and Advocacy in Washington. “It is about the hard choices we face, and what they mean for us all down the road. As the stakes rise, innovation, entrepreneurship, and effectively sourcing ideas and talent from emerging economies will be essential to managing the worsening divides that now threaten global stability.” These threats are catalogued in section three of the report.
Via: (SustainAbility, Ltd.,)