I stumbled upon this image the other day and was grateful for the reminder. We may not always have time to participate in the latest cause or campaign, but we do have one very powerful tool to affect social change… our consumer dollar. How we spend our money speaks volumes about our beliefs and values. It’s easy to say we support a sustainable product or company, but it’s seems much harder to “put our money where our mouth is”.
Corporations take their cues from Wall Street (how investors view the company) and Main Street (are consumers buying their products). Unfortunately, Wall Street will always be concerned with profit and the bottom line so Main Street needs to step-up.
Luckily, there are websites and resources available to help us make the right purchasing and lifestyle decisions. One of my favorites is LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability), a market segment focused on health and fitness, the environment, personal development, sustainable living, and social justice.
So let’s make our hard-earned money not only work for us but work for our planet.
Follow Cindy on Twitter @ethicalbiz
Great post. For those interested, Diane MacEachern’s “Big Green Purse” is a great read about “empowering consumers to use their marketplace clout to protect the environment.”
Thanks Jennifer! I’ll have to check out Diane’s book. I appreciate the suggestion.
Great post. For those interested, Diane MacEachern’s “Big Green Purse” is a great read about “empowering consumers to use their marketplace clout to protect the environment.”
Thanks Jennifer! I’ll have to check out Diane’s book. I appreciate the suggestion.
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