A Vermont-based company called Brighter Planet seems to think the green consumer will just give away our opinions for the chance to win $200. Since I just completed the survey, I’m going to go ahead and guess they’re right!
The company, which has a credit card that allows purchasers to donate to community renewable energy projects every time they use it, conducts survey research to get at the elusive nature of the wily green consumer. In a previous survey, they inquired as to why people buy carbon offsets (or don’t), valuable information to help establish the renewable energy and offsetting industries.
In this survey, they’re interested in your opinion on sustainability in your workplace. And, of course, once you’re done, you are registered for that $200 prize! Woohoo! $200 worth of organic beer here I come!
Scott Cooney is the author of Build a Green Small Business: Profitable Ways to Become an Ecopreneur (McGraw-Hill), which just today was launched in China. It’s my own book, and I can’t read one freaking word of it. Nice.
twitter: scottcooney
Ha! Bribing, huh? We like to think of it as a *special thanks* for helping us improve our business 🙂 Regardless, thanks for spreading the word.
Ha! Bribing, huh? We like to think of it as a *special thanks* for helping us improve our business 🙂 Regardless, thanks for spreading the word.