Election Countdown: Obama or McCain For A Green Economy?

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With fourteen days left until the U.S. presidential election, the heat is on. As much as all eyes are on the candidates, everybody’s pulse is on the economy. People all over America are wondering who will better serve the U.S. Economy and bring it to where it needs to be. What are the candidates saying?

John McCain says that Barack Obama’s tax policy is not conducive to building a strong economy. Obama says he wants to spread the wealth around. Joe Biden calls it “patriotic” for the wealthy to pay taxes, Joe The Plumber calls that socialism.

Green Options asked readers their opinion as to which of the two candidates would better support the economy. Here are some of the comments that readers responded with:

Comment # 1

Obama proposes the extension of the welfare state that will send the government bankrupt… who will support and buffer the financial crisis? McCain says clearly: my campaign is about getting this economy back on track, creating jobs, about a brighter future for America. I’m not going to raise taxes…

Comment # 2

McCain blew Obama away. He is the only one who will make a concerted effort to curtail spending and lower taxes. Obama made the comment that some government programs are under funded, but didn’t say which. That comment alone implies that he will expand government and spend more. That always leads to higher taxes. McCain wants to reduce the size of government, which will make it more transparent to the people. Obama wants to head us toward universal health care and universal pre-K. If the federal government couldn’t regulate Fannie & Freddie (which McCain wanted to do), how can it manage health-care and preschool?

Comment #3

If Joe(the Plumber) has received the treatment he has received because he asked Obama one question what would happen to the rest of us if Obama is elected?? In other words, you speak against him and he will make your life miserable. Freedom of speech? Maybe for at least a couple of more weeks if he is elected so better make the most of it now and not let Obama know you have spoken against him or questioned him about anything he plans for this country. God help us all if he becomes president. Joe asked a legitimate question that all of us wanted an answer to and he has become a national phenomenon. He cannot work or have any privacy at all now because he asked that one question. What would happen if you questioned Obama’s entire policy?

The question I would like to ask is not of merely economic development but green economic development. Which of these two presidential candidates holds promise of taking us from here to sustainability? Send us your comments. There are plenty of moments until Election Day to opine and create influence.

4 thoughts on “Election Countdown: Obama or McCain For A Green Economy?”

  1. The Clinton-Gore Admn. had the longest economic peacetime expansion in history. National debt reduced greatly, wages grew as industry boomed and more jobs were created.
    The Bush-Cheney Admn. Record national debt, weakest job creation cycle since Great Depression, record bankruptcy rate and alarming increase in poverty. We are now a nation having gone from being the nation with biggest budget surplus in history to becoming the the one with largest deficit.
    Research shows clearly that more than 70% of our national debt was created by just 3 Republican presidents: Reagan and the 2 Bushes.
    So again the tired old “tax and spend” allegations against Democrats are not true.
    So anyone who wants to regain financial health for themselves and their country…had best turn to history for the facts…

  2. The Clinton-Gore Admn. had the longest economic peacetime expansion in history. National debt reduced greatly, wages grew as industry boomed and more jobs were created.
    The Bush-Cheney Admn. Record national debt, weakest job creation cycle since Great Depression, record bankruptcy rate and alarming increase in poverty. We are now a nation having gone from being the nation with biggest budget surplus in history to becoming the the one with largest deficit.
    Research shows clearly that more than 70% of our national debt was created by just 3 Republican presidents: Reagan and the 2 Bushes.
    So again the tired old “tax and spend” allegations against Democrats are not true.
    So anyone who wants to regain financial health for themselves and their country…had best turn to history for the facts…

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