Major survey finds 508,000 clean economy jobs created in the Pacific Northwest. Experts believe that 1.03 million net new full-time equivalents can be created by continuing the clean economy path by 2020. The jobs include clean tech engineers, machinists, installers, and other “boots on the roof” jobs, energy auditors, organic agriculture specialists, local food manufacturers, green builders, recyclers, composters, and other waste management professionals.
Titled “West Coast Clean Economy”, the study took 5 months to conduct. Among other findings and projections,
- Currently, the clean economy accounts for $47 billion in goods and services.
- Given current trends, and policies that are starting to gain traction, that number could hit $140 billion by 2020.
- The study identified the clean economy as the only economic force capable of shifting global markets, saying it was the “single most important global opportunity on the medium-term horizon, with revenues expected to reach $2.3 trillion by 2020 globally.
- Regional collaboration, such as that currently being seen in the Pacific Northwest from British Columbia (Canada) down to Silicon Valley (California) is a critical element of building capacities and leveraging strengths.
Download the full report here.
Related: “Is Green the Next Big Economic Driver”
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