The Brownfields and Land Revitalization

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Bf_logoSince fall 1998, the Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technology Support Center (BTSC, formerly called the Brownfields Technology Support Center) has responded to requests from EPA regions, states, localities, and tribes to provide support for brownfields sites. Recently, the BTSC has extended its support services to Superfund sites.

The BTSC is a cooperative effort to provide technical support to federal, state, local, and tribal officials for matters related to the use of technology for site investigations and cleanups. Partners in the BTSC include the EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Argonne National Laboratory. The BTSC also works closely with EPA’s Brownfields Program to identify clean up support needed by EPA’s Brownfields program participants; however, BTSC support is not limited to the cities and organizations participating in EPA’s Brownfields program.

The BTSC can help decision-makers at brownfields and land revitalization sites evaluate strategies to streamline the site investigation and cleanup process, identify and review information about complex technology options, evaluate contractor capabilities and recommendations, and explain complex technologies to communities.

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