If you do not want to waste precious moments searching the internet for the top stories in business and finance, or if you have found an ideal economics news story that you would highly recommend to other readers, then Tip’d might quickly become your business social destination everyday.
Much like Digg, Tip’d is a site that has the advantage of showing up at the right time. The stock market has recently been on a roller coaster ride and the world’s economy has been on the brink of depression for over a month. As you know most speculative behavior is driven by human emotion which tends to spread news like wildfire. In this scenario, Tip’d has found the perfect fit by offering an ideal platform for readers to share their favorite business stories.
Tip’d is a community for financial news, ideas, and tips. It operates as a social media platform, meaning the community (you) decides which news stories and investing tips should be published on our homepage. Tip’d users vote on stories they like by clicking the ‘Tip it’ button that appears next to each story, and then can comment by pressing the ‘Discuss’ link below the story.
Given that right now the economy is hurting, and people are hungry for updated economic news by the hour, Tip’d offers readers the opportunity to read, share and recommend the best in financial news, analysis, and opinion. All you need to do is register, then you can discuss stories on the homepage, vote on stories in the upcoming section, or even submit your own stories.
With business specific categories that cover tech, green business, private equity, economy, personal finance and more, this is a one stop destination for readers interested in larger economic issues and micro-finance alike. Sign up for the Tip’d RSS feed now.
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Image Credit: www.tipd.com