Between now and December 26th 2008, you have one last chance to vote this year, Vote for Green Person of the Year!
Which Green Person had the biggest impact on you, the nation, the world, and especially the environment in 2008? Is it going to be Al Gore, Van Jones, or Joan Pick?
To vote for Green Person of the Year, simply leave a comment, and tell us who and why this person should be the “Green Person of the Year for 2008“. Remember, this isn’t Chicago, so please only vote once. On December 26th we will count all the votes, and on December 27th the person with the most votes, will be named “Green Person of the Year 2008“.
Image Credit: Bobcat Rock via Collective Commons License
Van Jones
Van Jones
William McDonough
William McDonough
Obama. Green enough. And he beat Bush. I mean, McCain.
– Green Mullet
Obama. Green enough. And he beat Bush. I mean, McCain.
– Green Mullet
T. Boone Pickens
T. Boone Pickens
Van Jones
Van Jones
Van Jones! Yeeeaah!
Van Jones! Yeeeaah!