India’s fundamentalist Hindu political group, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangha (RSS) has taken yet another drastic step in its efforts to cleanse India of foreign influence and promote its ideology of Hindutva, or Hindu-ness: it has created a new commercial drink made from cow urine. (The Times)
The healing properties of cow urine have been referred to in the ancient texts of Ayurveda, India’s natural medicine. However ancient times were witness to happier grass fed cows. Drinking the urine of today’s cattle that feeds on plastics and other waste will likely translate to imbibing huge amounts of toxins!
Ironically though, the RSS’s objective is not medicinal, nor even spiritual but rather fundamentalist. Hindus revere cows and slaughtering them is illegal in most of India. The RSS takes advantage of this and turns it into a political motive. Although the RSS has been promoting cow urine as a cure for ailments ranging from liver disease to cancer, its Ayurvedic healing aspect is but a pawn in RSS’s overall fundamentalist agenda.
Other tactics that the RSS has used to draw attention in the recent past include killing 67 Christians in the eastern state of Orissa last year, and assaulting women in a pub in Mangalore last month. It has also targeted foreign business in India, as in 1994, when it organised a nationwide boycott of multinational consumer goods, including Pepsi and Coca Cola.
my urine is very good for you and u must drink it.
I am very serious !
my urine is very good for you and u must drink it.
I am very serious !
omg are u for real cow urine….ewwwww… scared
omg are u for real cow urine….ewwwww… scared
are you joking? thats freakin nasty. i rather die before i have to drink that crap. (no pun intended)
are you joking? thats freakin nasty. i rather die before i have to drink that crap. (no pun intended)
I don’t mind as long as they are served in some good flavours…. it seems weird but i have tried it once when i had some skin problem and docs advised me to do this test and that test in the end one on the indian friend grandma advised me to go for it when i was in india for his marriage and it did worked for me… I’m not sure what as it can do but sounds good to me!!
I don’t mind as long as they are served in some good flavours…. it seems weird but i have tried it once when i had some skin problem and docs advised me to do this test and that test in the end one on the indian friend grandma advised me to go for it when i was in india for his marriage and it did worked for me… I’m not sure what as it can do but sounds good to me!!
ppl think only hindus take cow urine but in reality even westerners has also started with it probably they come to india to learns indian culture and indian food. but their are ppl who think i am cristian or muslim so i cannot take the words of vedas. but practically if u think we are not the body we are eternal soul and servent of lord then there is not question of hindu,muslim or cristian we are just a servant of lord and love each other.
As normal person can drink cow urine daily ? How
As normal person can drink cow urine daily ? How
can a normal person drink cow urine?
can a normal person drink cow urine?