The company behind what’s been referred to as the ‘Holy Grail of eco-materials‘ is looking to start a revolution.
A revolution in eco-friendly materials, that is.
“A revolutionary material made from reconstituted cellulose and water – and nothing else! A patented process converts cellulose fibres into a strong wood-like substance capable of being formed into an unlimited range of products. ZEOFORM is 100% non-toxic, biodegradable and ‘locks up’ carbon molecules from waste into beautiful, functional forms.” – Zeoform
Zeoform wants to build a “Centre for Excellence” to act as a central hub for bringing together the combined resources and intelligence of “science, academia, business, investors, government, NGOs, research and development, technology, design, engineering, architecture and manufacturing” and to serve as the first retail outlet for products made with Zeoform. And it’s turned to Indiegogo to try to crowdfund it.
In addition to advancing the “Zeoform Revolution” with the Centre for Excellence, the company aims to open source the technology, in order to empower entrepreneurs, artisans, manufacturers, universities, and more, with a sustainable material for producing a new generation of green products.
If you can get behind this initiative and back the project on Indiegogo, you could be one of the first to get your hands on some Zeoform material (at the $95 level and up).
As cheap as this stuff has to be to make an impact, the tiny amount of it they offer for their pledges is ludicrous and they are getting no takers.