All companies like to say they are “green,” but Xerox is putting numbers behind it. Its “2008 Report on Global Citizenship” provides a year-over-year look at its progress toward its goals toward corporate social responsibility.
Among the highlights:
- Two additional facilities named members of U.S. EPA National Environmental Performance Track (validating environmental performance beyond regulatory compliance). This brings the total to five.
- Named a National Performance Track Corporate Leader in 2008.
- Recycling rate of 92%—up 1% from 2006.
- Energy consumption down 2% from 2006—total cut of 19% between 2002 and 2007
- Cut greenhouse gas emissions by 5% from 2006—cut emissions worldwide by 21% between 2002 and 2007
- 80% of new products introduced in 2007 met the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s tougher ENERGY STAR requirements
Also, included in the report are sections and key metrics devoted to governance and ethics, customer privacy and satisfaction, employee diversity and development, environmental initiatives, corporate donations and volunteerism, and more.
An interactive version of the report can be found at the following link: Xerox Global Citizenship Report.