
The effect of walkability and bikeability on real estate value

The housing boom and subsequent bust that caused the financial meltdown of 2008 in the U.S. had many origins. I’d argue that a main cause that has not received much attention was America’s commitment to accommodating the car. Urban planning changed radically when, after World War II, cars became the norm in America. No longer […]

The effect of walkability and bikeability on real estate value Read More 👉

New EU Law Promotes More Efficient Aircraft Emissions, Stirs Controversy

Despite good intentions about contributing to a healthier environment, the European Union recently enforced a law that heavily restricts aircraft emissions, and has subsequently been met with tremendous opposition. The law essentially requires all aircraft operators touching down or taking off in Europe to offer a permit that illustrates the craft’s emissions levels throughout the entire

New EU Law Promotes More Efficient Aircraft Emissions, Stirs Controversy Read More 👉

The Misconceptions of Capitalism vs Socialism | Building a Sustainable Economy

Thanks to a couple of communist revolutions during the 20th Century the economic map  of the world has been polarised between capitalist and socialist thought.  Now, at the start of the 21st Century, we’re faced with the problem of how to build a sustainable economy and the whole capitalism vs socialism issue raises its head

The Misconceptions of Capitalism vs Socialism | Building a Sustainable Economy Read More 👉

Federal Trade Commission cracks down on Greenwashing

SC Johnson, maker of Windex, might have tossed the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back in relation to greenwashing. SC Johnson was sued by consumer activists over their “Green List” label, which they placed on products that had no verifiable sustainability credentials. Trouble was, it looked like a 3rd party, independent label that *did*

Federal Trade Commission cracks down on Greenwashing Read More 👉

SHOCKING NEWS: Tax Cuts for the Wealthy Only Help the Wealthy

Yes, yes…another day, another incredibly well-executed, painstakingly researched, critically-praised study published that just flies in the face of everything Republicans blindly promote at the urge of their billionaire overlords believe in. Ready for the big surprise? Tax cuts for the rich don’t help the economy.   They make the rich richer and promote income inequality. As

SHOCKING NEWS: Tax Cuts for the Wealthy Only Help the Wealthy Read More 👉

The Anniversary Party

Happy Anniversary, American Jobs Act! It was just a year ago Saturday that Obama introduced you to congress, and the country.  As the economy continued to sputter along (albeit, in a positive direction) following the 2008-2009 crisis and the emergency injection of funding from the Stimulus Act, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle came

The Anniversary Party Read More 👉

Who’s to blame for the excessive money and negativity in politics? The answer may surprise you

It’s hard to pinpoint when, exactly, American politics became so negative, but it’s pretty clear that the days of bipartisanship started dying somewhere around the time of the Eisenhower Administration. The 2012 campaign season has been perhaps the nastiest so far, and the lack of respect given to opposing political viewpoints has become the norm,

Who’s to blame for the excessive money and negativity in politics? The answer may surprise you Read More 👉

Midwestern farmers, facing drought, see a future in wind farms

The worst drought in recent history is making life uncomfortable for many farmers across America’s grain belt. While the diminishing supply of corn has sent the prices of corn skyward, livestock farmers and those farmers not lucky enough to have a crop at all this year have really suffered. Some progressive farmers have already diversified,

Midwestern farmers, facing drought, see a future in wind farms Read More 👉

Europe edges closer to recession and indirectly poses dangers to the US

Europe is on the verge of plunging into a double dip recession. As the debt woes of the 17 eurozone countries continues to threaten any growth emanating from the continent, it looks more likely that the 27 country strong European Union will regress economically rather than progress. Eurostat, Europe’s official statistics agency, disclosed that the

Europe edges closer to recession and indirectly poses dangers to the US Read More 👉

Mitt Romney announces his first policy plan if elected President

With attacks on his record as a vulture capitalist seeming to have an effect, and after his “Listen and learn” trip to England and Israel that was supposed to make him look presidential, but instead turned into a “insert foot in mouth” trip, GOP nominee Mitt Romney’s popularity appears to be waning. He managed to

Mitt Romney announces his first policy plan if elected President Read More 👉

Love Letter to Banksters

First, context:  Homo sapiens is an actively interdependent species of agents with responsibilities as collaborative participants in this web of life: all our destinies are intertwined.  There is, in any healthy community a social contract, and its acknowledgement is emerging more and more vocally from our society’s closets and into our front yard again.  Thank

Love Letter to Banksters Read More 👉

Success for Ireland in bond markets as first long-term bonds are auctioned off

The theme of the Irish economic rehabilitation continues as the country has successfully staged an auction to sell long-term bonds to investors. This is the first time the island has been able to do such an operation since entering the EU-IMF program in November 2010. In total, €5.2bn was raised, with €4.19bn of that money

Success for Ireland in bond markets as first long-term bonds are auctioned off Read More 👉

Europe’s turning point on the way? Stimulus finally comes to Ireland

Albert Einstein once said ”Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” That quote definitely applies to the political leaders of Europe. Almost half a decade on from the inception of the global financial crisis, they have doggedly stuck to their failure of a policy that is austerity. And

Europe’s turning point on the way? Stimulus finally comes to Ireland Read More 👉

When will the impacts of climate change become “news” again?

It’s hard to avoid the news of climate change these days. There are epic heat waves. There are power outages. There are droughts. Huge floods in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Record number of storms in the Gulf of Mexico this year. Crazy wildfires in Colorado and Utah. But yet…where is this all in the national debate? Aside

When will the impacts of climate change become “news” again? Read More 👉

What do small businesses think of regulations?

Besides taxes, the most frequently used franken-word in economics is likely regulations. The specter of increased regulations is often thrown around by polluting companies, their lobbyists, and the politicians they support in order to swing public opinion away from environmental and health protections. It works, but I think mainly because it’s a word that most

What do small businesses think of regulations? Read More 👉

Poll shows jump in optimism on economic outlook: other results mixed

The most recent poll measuring economic outlook among Americans shows about a 21% jump since the poll was last conducted. In October 2011, only 39% of Americans said they thought the economy was going to be better in a year than it is now. The most recent figure is 60%. The poll, conducted June 28-July

Poll shows jump in optimism on economic outlook: other results mixed Read More 👉

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